Friday, April 3, 2015

Dütsch Wieso Nicht?!

Apr 3

Hättest du Lust, mit uns zu gehen?
Do you feel like going with us? (present tense)
Ich wäre gern mit euch gegangen.
I would have liked to go with you guys. (past tense)
Wenn sie kein Geld gehabt hätte, wäre sie nicht nach Asien gefahren.
If she had not had the money, she wouldn't have gone to Asia. (past)
Ich würde es kaufen, wenn...
I would buy it if... (future/conditional)

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Financing And Capital Structure


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Spot Rates


1. the yields-to-maturity on riskless coupon bonds can also be interpreted as discount rates
理论上讲,YTM是一种内部收益率(Internal rate of return),

2. represent the borrowing/lending rates available for riskless spot transactions. 
- Spot transactions are transactions where money is exchanged under certain conditions

therefore refer to the yields on zero-coupon bonds also as the current spot rates

 (1. if a firm wanted to borrow money today for the next two years, it would have to pay an average interest rate of 3.5 percent per year. 

2. Similarly, an investor who wanted to invest money in a riskless security for three years would receive an average annual return of 5 percent.)

Cash Flows

That is income statement item, depreciation did not put money in my pocket or put it out, so i need to put it back. we want to know how much cash we receive from operation

營運現金流量(Operating Cash Flow)

自由现金流( Free Cash FLow)


FCF= Operative cash flow - (long term) Investment

change in cash (现金变化)

Return on Equity, Leverage Ratio (Ch. 7)

The capital asset pricing model (CAPM) is another method used to determine cost of equity.

  • Ke is the required rate of return on equity, or cost of levered equity = unlevered equity + financing premium.
  • KA is the company cost of equity capital with no leverage (unlevered cost of equity, or return on assets with D/E = 0).
  • Kd is the required rate of return on borrowings, or cost of debt.
  • {D}/{E} is the debt-to-equity ratio.

  • T_c is the tax rate.

  • Without taxes[edit]

    Proposition I[edit]

    V_U = V_L \,
    V_U is the value of an unlevered firm = price of buying a firm composed only of equity, and V_L is the value of a levered firm = price of buying a firm that is composed of some mix of debt and equity. Another word for levered is geared, which has the same meaning.[3]
    To see why this should be true, suppose an investor is considering buying one of the two firms U or L. Instead of purchasing the shares of the levered firm L, he could purchase the shares of firm U and borrow the same amount of money B that firm L does. The eventual returns to either of these investments would be the same. Therefore the price of L must be the same as the price of U minus the money borrowed B, which is the value of L's debt.
    This discussion also clarifies the role of some of the theorem's assumptions. We have implicitly assumed that the investor's cost of borrowing money is the same as that of the firm, which need not be true in the presence of asymmetric information, in the absence of efficient markets, or if the investor has a different risk profile than the firm.

    Proposition II[edit]

    Proposition II with risky debt. As leverage (D/E) increases, the WACC (k0) stays constant.
    r_E(Levered) = r_E(Unlevered) + \frac{D}{E}(r_E(Unlevered) - r_D)
    A higher debt-to-equity ratio leads to a higher required return on equity, because of the higher risk involved for equity-holders in a company with debt. The formula is derived from the theory of weighted average cost of capital (WACC).
    These propositions are true under the following assumptions:
    • no transaction costs exist, and
    • individuals and corporations borrow at the same rates.
    These results might seem irrelevant (after all, none of the conditions are met in the real world), but the theorem is still taught and studied because it tells something very important. That is, capital structure matters precisely because one or more of these assumptions is violated. It tells where to look for determinants of optimal capital structure and how those factors might affect optimal capital structure.

    With taxes[edit]

    Proposition I[edit]

    V_L =V_U + T_C D\,
    • V_L is the value of a levered firm.
    • V_U is the value of an unlevered firm.
    • T_C D is the tax rate (T_C) x the value of debt (D)
    • the term T_C D assumes debt is perpetual
    This means that there are advantages for firms to be levered, since corporations can deduct interest payments. Therefore leverage lowers tax payments. Dividend payments are non-deductible.

    Proposition II[edit]

    r_E = r_0 + \frac{D}{E}(r_0 - r_D)(1-T_C)
    • r_E is the required rate of return on equity, or cost of levered equity = unlevered equity + financing premium.
    • r_0 is the company cost of equity capital with no leverage (unlevered cost of equity, or return on assets with D/E = 0).
    • r_D is the required rate of return on borrowings, or cost of debt.
    • {D}/{E} is the debt-to-equity ratio.
    • T_c is the tax rate.
    The same relationship as earlier described stating that the cost of equity rises with leverage, because the risk to equity rises, still holds. The formula, however, has implications for the difference with the WACC. Their second attempt on capital structure included taxes has identified that as the level of gearing increases by replacing equity with cheap debt the level of the WACC drops and an optimal capital structure does indeed exist at a point where debt is 100%.
    The following assumptions are made in the propositions with taxes:
    • corporations are taxed at the rate T_C on earnings after interest,
    • no transaction costs exist, and
    • individuals and corporations borrow at the same rate.

    Gordon growth Formula is another








    公司的职责为股东牟利,如果没有正当原因,是不能长期持有大笔现金不返还给股东的。这个“正当原因”的衡量是很松的,可以是留着现金作为商业发展,甚至用于还贷,借贷。 一般科技公司都倾向于多留现金进行收购或开发。换句话说,当科技公司开始大手笔回购股票了,那么很可能公司的高增长也脚步减缓了。

    Tim Cook说,我们回购自家股票体现了我们对自己的信心。真的是这样吗?Carl Icahn发起股东投票,要求苹果再花50 billion来回购股票。而苹果目前总的现金是160 billion。也就是说投资者觉得你苹果已经不再像以前那样能够高增长了,你拿了这么多现金也没用,不如回购自家股票,这比你干别的什么都强。所以这么看来,苹果也不是自愿拿出14个billion来回购股票,估计是政治妥协的产物:carl icahn要求苹果花70b来回购,苹果想半天,那要不14b吧,icahn不依不饶,说不行再来50b。虽然很多情况下公司回购股票是体现对自家公司的信心,但是考虑到苹果是科技公司,又考虑到后面还有这样的故事,所以十有八九tim cook是扯淡。 

    Market Value of a Company

    unlevered firm: P=CF/K+cash