Saturday, October 18, 2014

Corporate Strategy

Chapter 2: Resources

1. Business-Unit Strategy

2. Resources – Resource-Based View (RBV) 


Market based view(which market to compete) + RBV (in which market to compete) = Strategy (competitive advantage)

Types of Reources
- Material/Physical (tangible assets)
- In-material (intangible assets)
- Organizational skills (capabilities)

Rationality for RBV (Why RBV)


- Strategic decisions are affected through the business resources

- additional resources are generated through skills

2. stable/secure when the outside environment is volatile

3. primary profit generater

Specific of RBV (details)

1. Role of manager
2. Dynamic capabilities..

Determining factors:
- Processes- Positions
- Development (Path)

Valuable Resources (What make them valuable)
- Demand
- Scarcity
- Acquisition (Appropriability)

Together (overlap) is Value creation zone

From resources to value creation (we will think what makes a company strategy in the view of..)

Resource-orientated Strategy

1. Identity your resources

2. Invest in them

3. Upgrade

4.  (Resources) Leverage
Different business have same resources. (e.g. canon)
(core) and Distinctive Competencies

RBV: Internal Analysis (identify and anaylse your resoures)

(see chapter 2 from a book)

Wal-mart case
fullfill 4-criterias: long-term competitive
  • Valuable 
  • Rare 
  • In-imitable 
  • Non-substitutable 

Chapter 3: Business

how we expand the resource

firm start with single business, have a product, start with the product.

then overtime, firms develop..then diversify from the single business

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